The mix of marketing vehicles available to companies looking to tell their stories and sell their wares has never been more extensive: print, broadcast, online, mobile. This reminds us that it's not the channel in which a message is consumed but the message itself and the source of that message that earns a business credibility.
In media relations, half your clients don’t pay
At PReturn, we have a core belief that each time we reach out to the media with client news, we’re actually servicing two clients: our paying client and the reporter we’re pitching. It’s easy to get wrapped up with a client’s agenda (after all, they’re paying!), but forgetting about the reporters’ needs puts you in a bad position. By taking care of the reporters, your paying clients come out on top far more often.
New Year on the Horizon: 2014 Planning through 2013 Assessment
Finding "Synergies" in all Marketing Disciplines
SIM Partners Displays Local Marketing Expertise
Thanksgivukkah is coming!
As pointed out in a recent MarketWatch article, the upcoming holiday shopping season may start earlier this year due to the overlap of the Thanksgiving and Hanukkah holidays, in hopes of extending retail spending with an unusually truncated period of only 26 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Declining a Media Inquiry the Right Way
Data Talks (and builds brand recognition)
Solve Problems with Substance - not Spin
The best PR results happen when organizations do good things - not just say good things. I was recently reminded of this fundamental rule of public relations by an intriguing Popular Mechanics article that published today, "A Billboard That Condenses Water From Humidity."