Often times, client experts serve as the best media relations resources a company has to offer. Executive spokespeople provide some of the greatest assets for proactive media relations. Sharing focused expertise and industry insights is one of the most advisable ways to raise the profile of innovative businesses and generate visits, leads and new customers. By positioning experts as valuable sources to the media, they can earn respect and frequent consideration with influential reporters and industry leaders.
Properly executed thought leadership programs effectively build recognition and credibility. At PReturn, we’ve found that successful thought leadership programs spring from insightful bylined articles and thought-provoking presentations. Helping a particularly original and resourceful expert build a reputation as a thought leader through writing and involvement in industry events and activities can create a snowball effect, leading to that spokesperson being sought out as a panelist or speaker, often on a recurring basis. Highlighting expertise through regular contributed articles and proactive participation in events maximizes visibility and credibility and, if a thought leader has done his/her job well, people will eventually come to him/her.
To build a reputation for clients as thought leaders, try leaving a trail of credibility through intelligent, insightful and fresh content in the form of bylined articles, speaking opportunities and serving as an expert source. It won’t happen overnight, but people who commit to this can reap big rewards in the long run. Knowledgeable, visible experts stay on top of the latest trends and connect with other informed industry leaders. Displaying expertise through strong content demonstrates authority and commands attention from industry peers, as well as positioning experts well on the search engines, creating that reliable trail of credibility.
Building the profile of an executive spokesperson through credible and proactive media relations also helps the media. As long as experts consistently provide valuable information to interested parties, they can form trusted relationships with influential journalists, build recognition and increase their value as thought leaders.