Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when people seek clear messaging, proactive communication can be crucial for B2B success.
Social buzz may fizzle for Rio
navigating the new rules may be as challenging as taking down Michael Jordan’s Dream Team of the early 90s.
Sometimes a more direct approach to consumer feedback can pay dividends
Twitter DM’s to reporters – not without a relationship
Constantly Connected Consumers – Brands Can Take Advantage
When Martin Cooper made the first handheld mobile phone call 40 years ago he couldn’t have imagined the impact mobile devices would have on the world’s ability to connect in 2014. The same can be said for brands, which are now in the driver’s seat more than ever when it comes to their mobile visibility.
The Second City is the Third City (but a social media hub nonetheless)
Thanks to for quantifying and VentureBeat for reporting what digital marketing Chicagoans have known for quite some time now - Chicago is one of the top U.S. cities for social media jobs.
Social Mixology from Kenshoo & Forrester
Kenshoo Social released some interesting research conducted by Forrester Consulting back in May, and I'm excited to share some highlights.