
Brands beware – fans could eat you alive

Brands beware – fans could eat you alive

Twitter – the wonderful world where brand to consumer interaction is readily available and honestly can play big dividends – unless, of course, you choose to mess with the “The Beygency” or “The Beyhive,” the excitable and extremely devoted arm of Beyoncé's loyal online following.

5 Steps to Effective Real-Time Marketing

5 Steps to Effective Real-Time Marketing

Real-time marketing, a golden opportunity for brands to capitalize on what the collective world has eyes on, is effective when done well, but embarrassing when it’s not. With the ability to quickly reach a huge number of people comes the double-edged sword of blunders going viral for all the wrong reasons.

#HashtagCampaigns – Making the Pound Powerful.

#HashtagCampaigns – Making the Pound Powerful.

Remember when the “#” was just another annoying step to check your voicemail? OK, it still is. But for public relations and marketing teams, integrating the use of the hashtag across marketing campaigns can make a huge impact in the social world of 2014.